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Thank an Employee

Our number one priority is to deliver safe and reliable power to our customers. All of our teams and crews work together, day and night, to keep the power flowing to homes and businesses, to keep our lives moving forward.

If a speedy power restoration effort, a resolved safety concern or a friendly voice at our call center made your day brighter, we welcome you to send them a thank you note. You can do that here and we'll share it with the person who made a difference.

Use the tag @KentuckyPower to connect with us on social media.

Show Your Appreciation

We will send your note to the person or team you would like to thank.

Do you know the employee's name or their job function? (example: call center person, lineman)

Have a concern?

We're here to help. Let us know how we can resolve any issues you might be having.

Contact us

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