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Kentucky Power shares payment programs to help customers manage bills, avoid future weather-related bill spikes

January 11, 2023

ASHLAND, Ky., January 11, 2023 – With the extreme cold temperatures experienced over the holidays, Kentucky Power wants customers to know where to go for help to manage upcoming utility bills and potential cold weather bill spikes.

“Our goal is to arm our customers with the information they need to understand how cold weather affects energy usage long before winter arrives so they can prepare their homes and become as energy efficient as possible,” said Barry Nolen, Kentucky Power customer and distribution service manager. “The artic blast that had much of our service area experiencing multiple days of sub-zero temperatures is a good example of why we need to become as energy efficient as possible, but also an example of extreme weather events that can cause wintertime utility bills to spike.”

Nolen said Kentucky Power customers who need help paying or managing their bills should first call the 24-hour customer service team, at 800-572-1113, or contact a customer service representative via Facebook private message on the Kentucky Power business page.

“Our customer service teams are here to help,” Nolen said. “If you are having trouble paying your bill for any reason, we ask that you reach out to customer service so they can look into your account and help set up a payment plan that works for you and your family.”

One option that can help customers avoid bill spikes completely regardless of extreme weather, is the Average Monthly Payment plan, or AMP. This plan averages out 12-months of your electric usage/bill cost and allows you to pay approximately the same amount every month.

“That means you won’t be receiving that surprise high bill in the extreme cold months of the winter or the incredibly hot months during the summer,” Nolen explained.

For those dealing with high winter bills now, Nolen says payment plans and income-based programs may be available to those customers.

The Community Action of Kentucky program, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is federally funded, and Kentucky Power’s THAW program are both currently accepting applications for heating assistance on a first-come, first-served basis at the following community action locations:

  • Big Sandy Area Community Action Program. Counties:  Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin and Pike. http://bsacap.org. 606-789-3641.
  • Gateway Community Action Agency. Counties:  Morgan and Rowan. http://gatewaycaa.org. 1-800-927-1833.
  • LKLP Community Action Council. Counties: Knott, Leslie, Letcher and Perry. http://www.lklp.org. 1-800-401-4287.
  • Middle Kentucky Community Action Partnership. Counties: Breathitt and Owsley. http://www.mkcap.org. 606-666-2452.
  • Northeast Kentucky Community Action Agency. Counties:  Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Lawrence and Greenup. http://nkcaa.net. 1-800-817-4443.

Information about these payment plans and programs and how to sign up for them can be found at www.KentuckyPower.com/WinterBillHelp.


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