Cynthia G Wiseman
President and COO Kentucky Power
Cindy Wiseman is president and chief operating officer of Kentucky Power and is responsible for all aspects of electric service for Kentucky Power's customers.
Previously, she was vice president, External Affairs and Customer Service for Kentucky Power and provided oversight for all economic development, corporate communications, external affairs and customer service initiatives.
Wiseman started with AEP in 2008 in corporate communications at Appalachian Power and later was named as an external affairs manager for the company. In 2018, she joined Kentucky Power as managing director of External Affairs and Customer Service.
Prior to joining Appalachian Power, she spent 15 years working in marketing and fund raising for the Kanawha County Public Library system in Charleston, West Virginia.
She is a graduate of Marshall University with a bachelor's degree in journalism with an emphasis in public relations. Wiseman completed the Oklahoma University Economic Development Institute certification coursework. She serves on the board of directors for Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Kentucky Chamber Center for Policy and Research, Northeast Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, One East Kentucky and Leadership Kentucky.